Session 1: Welcome & Software
| S-Paramics软件消息
S-Paramics Software News
Pete Sykes
An update on progress in software development in SIAS, including emissions and ATM
| Linsig 与S-Paramics 的结合
LinSig Microsimulation Toolkit for S-Paramics
(pdf 1.3mb) (abstract)
Steven Ward
Mayer Brown公司
Development of a software interface between LinSig and S-Paramics
| S-Paramics对可变交通量(VDM)的模拟
Variable Demand Modelling in S-Paramics
(pdf 0.5mb) (abstract)
Steven Wood
Presentation of the results from a variable demand modelling exercise
Session 2: Techniques
| 模型校准和验证:定义、原因、何时以及如何进行
Cal/Val: What, When, Why and How
(pdf 0.6mb) (abstract)
Sandra Hill
How often auditors see calibration and validation confused, and validation incomplete; and how to avoid these pitfalls
| 高速公路技术
Technology for Motorways
(pdf 0.9mb) (abstract)
Malcolm Walker
英国高速公路管理局(The Highways Agency)
Guidance on the appraisal of CCTV, MIDAS and Controlled Motorways
Session 3: Modelling 1
| 韦茅斯(伦敦奥运会帆船比赛场馆)奥运交通综合措施
The Weymouth Olympic Transport Package
(pdf 1.8mb) (abstract)
Chris Mercer
英国Dorset 市政厅(Dorset County Council)
| 介绍了2012年奥运会帆船比赛之前交通规划措施使用模型
Presentation of a model used in transport planning a scheme in advance of the 2012 Olympic regatta
| Dorset市仿真模型数据的收集
Data Collection for Simulation Models in Dorset
(pdf 3.2mb) (abstract)
Nick Rabbets
英国Dorset 市政厅
| 描述了Dorset 市政厅如何收集交通需求数据
Description of how Dorset CC gather travel demand data, with special reference to TRICS
| 隧道控制系统(Metering System)的开发
Developing a Metering System for a Tunnel
(pdf 1.8mb) (abstract)
Falco deJong
Description of a motorway metering system to satisfy safety rules that state there cannot be a queue in a tunnel
Session 4: Modelling 2
| Rochdale市(英格兰)停车场选址模型
Rochdale Town Centre Car Park Location Choice Modelling
(pdf 0.5mb) (abstract)
Richard Bradley
Outline of a model developed to allow an objective appraisal of town centre masterplan proposals
| 阿克拉市(加纳首都)高密度公共汽车运营的模拟
Modelling High Frequency Bus Operations in Accra, Ghana
(pdf 0.8mb) (abstract)
Robin Kaenzig
Modelling high frequency bus operations in Accra, Ghana
| S-Paramics在交通控制研究中的应用
The Use of S-Paramics in Traffic Control Research
(pdf 0.5mb) (abstract)
Rajesh Krishnan
伦敦帝国理工大学(Imperial College)
An MSc research project at Imperial College London in traffic control using Telent's Sentinel Signal Controller