flexsim 2.5的说明书上写着
The database must have an odbc alias defined before it is opened.
This is done using the "Data Sources" option in the windows control panel.
不过我找不到"Data Sources" option
runspeed(6); ///六倍速度运行
reset(); ///模型重置
go(); ///运行模型
//这是flexsim2.6 StartQueue OnReset()事件响应函数
fsnode *current = ownerobject(c); ///c是用来返回对活动节点的引用。如果是事件响应函数c返回一个包含这个事件的对象引用
///ownerobject(); 返回包含结点的对象
///fsnode× flesim中常用的数据类型,表示指向flexsim tree的指针
//PROSESTART ///这部分间的内容会显示在下拉框中
//Initialize things that drive the racks. Incoming/Outgoing wave times, etc.//下拉框内容
//PROSEEND ///下拉框结束
//PARAMSTART ///flexsim脚本引用的可修改参数
//PARAMEND ///引用修改参数结束
//PROSEEND ///描述结束
float numrows = 0;
int x = 0;
setlabelnum(current,"incomingwave",1); ///设置表识
// Get the IncomingWave times and start up the IncomingWaves userevent
if (dbgetmode() != 1) ///判断当前数据库打开状态 0 没有数据库打开 1 数据库已sql模式打开 2 以全局表模式打开
dbclose(); ///如果数据库不是sql模式关闭
dbopen("wdemo","select WaveNumber, Time from Waves where Type = 1",0);///打开数据库 1 表模式 0 sql模式
dbsqlquery("select WaveNumber, Time from Waves where Type = 1"); ///如果数据库已打开则查询
numrows = dbgetnumrows(); ///行数为返回结果行数
settablesize("IncomingWaves",numrows,1); ///设置全局表大小 参数一 表名 参数二 rows 参数三 cols//如果表大小设置不当可能造成数据不全或上次数据残留
for (x = 1; x <= numrows; x++) ///设置表元素值
settablenum("IncomingWaves",x,1,stringtonum(dbgettablecell(x,2)));///去sql查询返回值 填充全局表
fsnode *incoming = node("/Tools/UserEvents/IncomingWaves",model()); /// 返回结点relative to model()路径/Tools/UserEvents/IncomingWaves
UserEvent *incomingdata = &o(UserEvent,incoming); ///连接 UserEvent与fsnode并把地址传递给UserEvent指针
incomingdata->v_time = gettablenum("IncomingWaves",1,1); ///填充时间参数
incomingdata->v_repeat = 1;
destroyeventsofobject(incoming); ///删除资源tree中的对象(任何对象)
createevent(incoming,incomingdata->v_time,1,"UserEvent"); ///创建事件
// Get the OutgoingWave times and start up the OutgoingWaves userevent
dbsqlquery("select WaveNumber, Time from Waves where Type = 2"); ///取第二种数据
numrows = dbgetnumrows();
for (x = 1; x <= numrows; x++)
fsnode *outgoing = node("/Tools/UserEvents/OutgoingWaves",model());
UserEvent *outgoingdata = &o(UserEvent,outgoing);
outgoingdata->v_time = gettablenum("OutgoingWaves",1,1);
outgoingdata->v_repeat = 1;
// Set up the initial inventory
// The Inventory table has one extra row at the start that should never be deleted
// It is to hold the names of columns and their data types
//A wave of 0 in the Incomming table defines the intial inventory in the warehouse
dbsqlquery("select * from incoming where wave = 0"); ///填充表
numrows = dbgetnumrows();
for (x=1; x<=numrows; x++)
for (int y=2; y<=5; y++)
[[i] 本帖最后由 BGN 于 2009-3-16 16:49 编辑 [/i]] |